Work Experience Week (WEW) in Arequipa

As part of the WEW (Work Experience Week) program, which encourages the development of our skills and decision-making for our future, as professionals and even helps improve confidence for the student who participates. For this reason, us, students of 5th year of high school (last year of school in Peru), they come to ask us; What are you going to study at university? Perhaps it may sound very overwhelming to constantly hear this question, however, it is one of the most important decisions of our future life.
For this reason, the school gave us this week of work experience, in which we have been allowed to go in search of a job similar or equal to the one we are going to study at the university. And let me say that it was a crazy week. But before I told you something about how was that crazy week. I'm gonna explain something about the place that I was.
...To be continued...

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Ahí encontrarás el articulo completo, en conjunto con muchas más sorpresas. 

- Atte. La Autora


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